We’re introducing new products!!
Two Oaks Farmstead has been very, very busy! The shop lights have been on night and day and we have been working around the clock to bring you new products!
We are very proud to announce the addition of three new lines of products plus so much more of the handcrafted furniture and decor that our clients have come to expect.
Handcrafted Knives
One of the product lines that we are so excited to announce is a full line of handcrafted knives. KB Blades, a subsidiary of Two Oaks Farmstead, offers custom designed, superior quality, handcrafted knives in a variety of styles to suit all needs; Personal Defense Knives, Bushcraft Knives, Skinners and everyday carry knives. All of our knives are made with 1095 High Carbon Steel with a variety of beautiful handle materials. All of our knives come with a custom made Kydex sheath. These are knives that will last a lifetime, in fact, many lifetimes. They are knives that could be passed down generationally. And without a doubt, they will hold an edge!
Handcrafted Jewelry
Two Oaks Farmstead is now offering a full line of handcrafted jewelry in a wide variety of styles. From necklaces and earrings to bracelets and rings, our jewelry is already becoming a big hit. You can see a lot of it on our website, or on Etsy, or you could find us at one of our upcoming shows. Our next show is November 10-11 at the Hardy Murphy Coliseum in Ardmore, OK.
Natural, Organic, Healing Salves and Skin Care
Two Oaks Farmstead is formally introducing our line of healing salves and skin care products. We offer Calendula Healing Salve, Itch and Rash Salve, Pain Reliever Salve and Gardener’s Salve. We are also currently offering a variety of bath soaks and body scrubs. More skin care products are currently in the production stage and will be forthcoming soon!
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